The entire world of magic lies ahead, but you must learn before you can venture out on your own. You saw what happened in the past when you did not fully understand magic, and you won't make that mistake again.
You walk back to the desk and open up the once illegible grimoire to find clarity.
(set: $spellbook to (a:))
Will you read about Spells and Rituals(click: "Spells and Rituals")[(set: $spellbook to $spellbook + (a: "spells and rituals"))(open-url: "")(if: $spellbook contains "spells and rituals")[<br> [[Practice spells]].]
(else:)[]] or
Magical Abilities(click: "Magical Abilities")[(set: $spellbook to $spellbook + (a: "magical abilities"))(open-url: "")]You pick up the oakwood wand lying on the nearby desk and mentally prepare to cast your first spells. Which one will it be?
[[Shield spell]]
[[Fire spell]]Recalling the grimoire's instructions, you clear your mind and begin to envision a sheild of blue light surrounding you. After a few moments of visualization, you say ["Praecleus"]<shield| with conviction.
(set: $lefts to "Use your left hand")(set: $rights to "Use your right hand")
(link: "$lefts")[
(replace: ?links)[\
(set: $leftsh to it + 1)]
(link: "$rights")[
(replace: ?links)[\
(set: $rightsh to it + 1)]
(link: "Result")[(if: $shieldsp is 3)[(if: $rightsh is 1)[A bright shield of light starts to form around you. In a matter of seconds, it quickly expands and pushes every object within a few feet of you back against the walls.(set: $spellbook to $spellbook + (a: "shield spell"))] (else:)[You performed the spell incorrectly. Refresh your memory, and the page, and try again.]](else:)[You performed the spell incorrectly. Refresh your memory, and the page, and try again.(set: $spellbook to $spellbook + (a: "shield spell"))]]
Cast the [[Fire spell]].
(if: (history:) contains "Fire spell")[Cast the [[healing spell]].]
(click: ?shield)[(set: $shieldsp to it + 1)](click: ?shield)[(set: $shieldsp to it + 1)](click: ?shield)[(set: $shieldsp to it + 1)](click: ?shield)[(set: $shieldsp to it + 1)]You walk over to the fireplace so that you don't set the entire cottage on fire, and point your wand directly at the dying embers. With a commanding tone, you shout ["Ignis Impes"]<fire|
(set: $leftf to "Use your left hand")(set: $rightf to "Use your right hand")
(link: "$leftf")[
(replace: ?linkf)[\
(set: $leftfs to it + 1)]
(link: "$rightf")[
(replace: ?linkf)[\
(set: $rightfs to it + 1)]
(link: "Result")[(if: $firesp is 1)[(if: $leftfs is 1)[You stumble backwards as the dying embers quickly produce a giant flame. Though you only cast the spell once, the fire continues to grow past the edge of the fireplace- grazing your calf and leaving an inflamed burn. You run to the corner of the room, retrieve a bucket of water, and pour it over the fire before it grows any larger.(set: $spellbook to $spellbook + (a: "fire spell"))](else:)[You performed the spell incorrectly. Refresh your memory, and the page, and try again.]](else:)[You performed the spell incorrectly. Refresh your memory, and the page, and try again.]]
Cast the [[Shield spell]]
(if: (history:) contains "Shield spell")[Cast the [[healing spell]].]
(click: ?fire)[(set: $firesp to it + 1)](click: ?fire)[(set: $firesp to it + 1)](click: ?fire)[(set: $firesp to it + 1)](click: ?fire)[(set: $firesp to it + 1)]Your leg continues to sting from the burn, so you carefully sit on the desk chair. You reach for the grimoire and find the page about the healing spell. Though you have no tools to brew a pain relieving salve, you begin the process of visualization. In moments, you put your mind at ease, and softly say ["Sana Medor"]<heal|
(set: $lefth to "Use your left hand")(set: $righth to "Use your right hand")
(link: "$lefth")[
(replace: ?linkh)[\
(set: $lefths to it + 1)]
(link: "$righth")[
(replace: ?linkh)[\
(set: $righths to it + 1)]
(link: "Result")[(if: $healsp is 4)[(if: $righths is 1)[The burned skin begins to grow darker and starts to blister. It feels as if several fires are burning the same spot continuously. The pain is overwhelming, but only seconds later, the blister starts to peel. Not long after, the pain subsides as you watch a scar appear only to fade until your skin appears virutally unharmed. A few years of regenerative healing just occurred in seconds- magic truly is life changing.(set: $spellbook to $spellbook + (a: "healing spell"))](else:)[You performed the spell incorrectly. Refresh your memory, and the page, and try again.]](else:)[You performed the spell incorrectly. Refresh your memory, and the page, and try again.]]
(click: ?heal)[The burned skin begins to grow darker and starts to blister. It feels as if several fires are burning the same spot continuously. The pain is overwhelming, but only seconds later, the blister starts to peel. Not long after, the pain subsides as you watch a scar appear only to fade until your skin appears virutally unharmed. A few years of regenerative healing just occurred in seconds- magic truly is life changing.]
(if: $spellbook contains "magical abilities")[You have practiced the three most common spells. Now, it is time to choose the [[magical ability]] you would like to hone.]
(else:)[Read about Magical Abilities(click: "Magical Abilities")[(set: $spellbook to $spellbook + (a: "magical abilities"))(open-url: "")(if: $spellbook contains "magical abilities")[<br>You have practiced the three most common spells. Now, it is time to choose the [[magical ability]] you would like to hone.]
(click: ?heal)[(set: $healsp to it + 1)](click: ?heal)[(set: $healsp to it + 1)](click: ?heal)[(set: $healsp to it + 1)](click: ?heal)[(set: $healsp to it + 1)](click: ?heal)[(set: $healsp to it + 1)]Your spellcasting abilities have already grown quickly, but you are far from mastering the craft. As a beginner, you may only choose one magical ability to hone through the rest of your journey. Which one will it be?
[[Mind reading]]
[[Elemental influence]]
(set: $ability to (a:))As you continue to use your ability, your powers will start to grow. Now, it's time to see just what you can do with your [telekinetic power.]<telpower|
You begin my clearing your mind and and taking a few deep breaths.
(set: $ability to $ability + (a: "telekinesis"))
(click: ?telpower)[You scan the room- looking for a small object to test your powers on until you notice a small amulet lying on the desk. Ignoring the rest of your surroundings, you focus your powers on the amulet. Summoning all of your mental strength, you inch the amulet closer to you. Before you even realize it, the amulet comes flying at you and falls right into your hand. With your newfound power, you decide to leave the cottage at last. But before you do, you choose to take a few [[magical items]] with you.]You are alone in the cottage, but you begin to hear a few soft whispers. You cannot quite make out what they are saying, or if you are simply imagining them, but they almost seem to be calling for you. Suddenly, you feel the need to leave the cottage. But before you go, you decide to bring a few [[magical items]] with you.
(set: $ability to $ability + (a: "mind reading")) With practice, you may learn to influence fire, water, air and earth. As a beginner, you must start by learning to work with the earth.
You crouch down on the floor and place your palms against the hardwood. Closing your eyes, you begin to look for a connection to the earth. You feel as if you are calling to the earth- beckoning it to move and show you it's listening. Just before you lose hope, the ground begins to shake ever so slightly. You almost hear a low grumble from deep within the earth as it acknowledges your presence.
You hear it's call and choose to leave the cottage at last. But before you do, you decide to collect a few [[magical items]] to take with you.
(set: $ability to $ability + (a: "elemental influence")) You grab a woven bag lying next to the desk and carefully place the grimoire and your wand inside it. What other items will you bring?
(if: (history:) contains "cabinet")[]
(else:)[Choose a potion from the [[cabinet]].]
(if: (history:) contains "bookshelf")[]
(else:)[Pick a book from the [[bookshelf]].]
(if: (history:) contains "desk")[Choose to [[leave the cottage]].]
(else:)[Select an object from the [[desk]].]
(set: $bag to (a:))You walk over to the tall mahogany cabinet and look at the sparkling potions one last time. You may not know what lies ahead for you, but one of these potions will surely come in handy. Which potion will you bring?
Choose the [[death potion]].
Choose the [[healing potion]].
<img src=>
[[Summoning Spirits]]
[[The Philosopy of Magic]]
<img src=>
<img src=><img src=>
You can't help but choose the death potion. You hope that you'll never need to use this potion, but if danger arises, you are not afraid to use it.
Choose other [[magical items]].
(set: $bag to $bag + (a: "death potion"))
(set: $evil to it +`1)<img src=>
After experiencing how painful the healing spell was, you decide to bring the healing potion with you. Perhaps its magic won't come with the same excruciating pain.
Choose other [[magical items]].
(set: $bag to $bag + (a: "healing potion"))(if: $ability contains "telekinesis")[This amulet was the first item you used your abilities on- it has a certain sentimental value to it. Besides, there may be an unknown power within it.]
(else:)[You may not know what sort of power this amulet possesses, but it is certainly worth bringing if you can find out.]
Choose other [[magical items]].
(set: $bag to $bag + (a: "amulet"))You can't help bur remember the last time you used this dagger- it was the last time you saw Rose- a night of complete darkness. As you hold the dagger in your hands, you decide to give it a new memory. It will no longer be a symbol of your dark past, but a reminder of the courage you have to overcome and fight it. You become determined to redeem yourself.
Choose other [[magical items]].
(set: $bag to $bag + (a: "dagger"))There is still so much to learn about the world of magic. Summoning spirits sounds quite terrifying, but you never know what sort of strange things lie ahead. Perhaps summoning a spirit will prove to be useful.
Choose other [[magical items]].
(set: $bag to $bag + (a: "Summoning Spirits"))There is still a part of you that fears the darkness magic brought to your life once before. Maybe this book will provide some clarity on what sort of magic you should avoid.
Choose other [[magical items]].
(set: $bag to $bag + (a: "Philosophy of Magic"))You walk towards the door and stop right before you open it. When you first woke up in this cottage, all you could think about was escaping. Now that the time has come, you almost want to stay within the safety of its walls- at least you would know you wouldn't hurt anyone.
You take a deep breath, reminding yourself that you are no longer the person driven by pain and power, and you [[open the door]].You step outside the cottage for the first time with new eyes. The air smells fresh and crisp, but you can’t help but fear the wide expanse of the woods. The cottage trapped you, but in there, you knew you wouldn’t be able to hurt anyone. Now, everything is different. As you slowly begin to walk through the woods, you feel as if you might [snap]<snap| next time you step on a branch.
(click: ?snap)[For a moment, the darkness subsides because you see a small flash of (text-style: "smear")[light] out of the corner of your eye.
[[Hurry away]]
Walk towards the [[light]].]You pick up your pace and walk in the opposite direction. You’ve had enough mystery for one night. However, the woods think differently because you quickly stop upon seeing the same mysterious (text-style: "smear")[flashes] of [[light]]You take a closer look, walking carefully so you don’t wake whatever mystical creatures lie deep in the woods. You soon realize the tiny lights are a swarm of (text-style: "smear")[fireflies] dancing right before your [eyes.]<hit|
(click: ?hit)[The beauty before you is suddenly interrupted as your vision fades to [[black]].]
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
let c = init("canvas"),
w = (canvas.width = window.innerWidth),
h = (canvas.height = window.innerHeight);
class firefly{
this.x = Math.random()*w;
this.y = Math.random()*h;
this.s = Math.random()*2;
this.ang = Math.random()*2*Math.PI;
this.v = this.s*this.s/4;
this.x += this.v*Math.cos(this.ang);
this.y += this.v*Math.sin(this.ang);
this.ang += Math.random()*20*Math.PI/180-10*Math.PI/180;
let f = [];
function draw() {
if(f.length < 100){
for(let j = 0; j < 10; j++){
f.push(new firefly());
for(let i = 0; i < f.length; i++){
if(f[i].x < 0 || f[i].x > w || f[i].y < 0 || f[i].y > h){
let mouse = {};
let last_mouse = {};
function(e) {
last_mouse.x = mouse.x;
last_mouse.y = mouse.y;
mouse.x = e.pageX - this.offsetLeft;
mouse.y = e.pageY - this.offsetTop;
function init(elemid) {
let canvas = document.getElementById(elemid),
c = canvas.getContext("2d"),
w = (canvas.width = window.innerWidth),
h = (canvas.height = window.innerHeight);
c.fillStyle = "rgba(30,30,30,1)";
c.fillRect(0, 0, w, h);
return c;
window.requestAnimFrame = (function() {
return (
window.requestAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
function(callback) {
function loop() {
c.clearRect(0, 0, w, h);
window.addEventListener("resize", function() {
(w = canvas.width = window.innerWidth),
(h = canvas.height = window.innerHeight);
setInterval(loop, 1000 / 60);
</script>(if: $bag's length > 0)[Your bag contains a (print: $bag.join(", ")).]
(else:)[Your bag is empty.]
Spells and Rituals (click: "Spells and Rituals")[(open-url: "")]
Magical Abilities (click: "Magical Abilities")[(open-url: "")]
(else-if: $ability contains "elemental influence")[Though you cannot move, you try to summon the earth to shake and break you free, but you can hardly think.]
(else:)[You try and push through the headache to hear any nearby thoughts, but there is only silence. Perhaps you are alone once again.]
You slowly begin to panic until you recall the binding spell from the grimoire. You start to relax- after all, the binding spell must wear off at some point. But the calm is quickly replaced with panic once you realize that another practitioner must have cast this spell on you- and that is far more dangerous than being [[alone]]. As always, this journey is filled with magic and mystery. You will require power, courage and wisdom to overcome the challenges you are about to face. Each decision you make will greatly impact your future, so choose wisely. If you have the courage to procede, please choose your pronoun.
(set: $she to "She/her")
(set: $he to "He/him")
(set: $they to "They/them")
(link: "$she")[
(set: $pn to $pn + (a: "she"))(set: $pospn to $pospn + (a: "her"))(set: $altpn to $altpn + (a: "her"))
(replace: ?links)[\
(link: "$he")[
(set: $pn to $pn + (a: "he"))(set: $pospn to $pospn + (a: "his"))(set: $altpn to $altpn + (a: "him"))
(replace: ?links)[\
(link: "$they")[
(set: $pn to $pn + (a: "they"))(set: $pospn to $pospn + (a: "their"))(set: $altpn to $altpn + (a: "them"))
(replace: ?links)[\
(set: $pn to (a:))
(set: $altpn to (a:))
(set: $pospn to (a:))
(set: $playerName to (prompt: "Please enter your name:", "Harry Potter"))
Make sure to turn your sound on, and prepare to embark on your journey through the world of magic.
[[Begin]]It seems that your hearing is starting to return because you hear the faint sound of voices in the distance. The more you focus, the louder the voices sound.
[[Keep listening]]
[[Sit]] and relax. Your headache is already bad enough.You continue to focus until you start to hear parts of a heated conversation.
One woman yells, (text-color: "MediumPurple")["Why on earth would you bring (print: $altpn) here? Better yet, why the hell (if: $pn contains "they")[do they](else:)[does (print: $pn)] still have (print: $pospn) memory?"]
(text-color: "orange")["Please, you can't blame her. Marie doesn't know how to do anything unless it involves spirits and hellfire."]
(text-color: "FireBrick")["Well at least I can do my own magic without getting little spirits to do all my dirty work."]
(text-color: "orange")["As if they would even speak to you after-"]
You hear a loud slam against the floor and the sounds of a struggle between the two until the woman who yelled in the beginning says, (text-color: "MediumPurple")["Aleister! Marie! If you keep acting like children, I'll rip off those protection charms and lock you up with (print: $playerName)!"]
Your blood turns cold. You knew those people had trapped you here, but hearing them say your name makes your suddenly aware of your imminent danger. The sounds of a struggle stops, and you hurriedly try to break free. You hear the sound of chatter and footsteps.
Close your eyes and [[play dead]].
Sit up straight and prepare to [[confront them]].You close your eyes and try to relax, but eventually you hear a loud shout.
One woman yells, (text-color: "MediumPurple")["Why on earth would you bring (print: $altpn) here? Better yet, why the hell (if: $pn contains "they")[do they](else:)[does (print: $pn)] still have (print: $pospn) memory?"]
(text-color: "orange")["Please, you can't blame her. Marie doesn't know how to do anything unless it involves spirits and hellfire."]
(text-color: "FireBrick")["Well at least I can do my own magic without getting little spirits to do all my dirty work."]
(text-color: "MediumPurple")["Enough! Go bring (print: $playerName) before (if: $pn contains "they")[they wake](else:)[(print: $pn) wakes] up!]
Your blood turns cold. You knew those people had trapped you here, but hearing them say your name makes your suddenly aware of your imminent danger. The sounds of a struggle stops, and you hurriedly try to break free. You hear the sound of chatter and footsteps.
Close your eyes and [[play dead]].
Sit up straight and prepare to [[confront them]].The sound of the footsteps start to grow louder until you almost sense their presence before you.
(text-color: "MediumPurple")["Vera, why (if: $pn contains "they")[are they] (else:)[is (print: $pn)] still asleep? Shouldn't (print: $pn) be awake by now?"]
(text-color: "LightBlue")["(if: $pn contains "they")[They're] (else:)[(print: $pn)'s] afraid. I can feel it, (print: $pn) already woke up."]
You're panicing again. How can they know that? You try to steady your breathing again, but you've already been found out.
(text-color: "FireBrick")["It's no use sweetheart, (if: $ability contains "mind reading")[you're not the only one who can read minds."] (else:)[I can hear you."]] Of course she's a mind reader... You're out of ideas, so you slowly open your eyes.
A woman with short jet-black hair stands uncomfortably close to you as her bright red lips form a sarcastic [[smirk]].
var audio = document.createElement('audio');
audio.src = '';
audio.loop = false;;
</script>You sit up straight and prepare to confront your captors, but as soon as they appear, any courage you had is immediately replaced by fear. If you could move, you would surely be shaking, so it's probably best that they cast that binding spell on you. Before you can think another anxious thought, a woman with short jet-black hair appears before you, and her bright red lips form a sarcastic [[smirk]].
var audio = document.createElement('audio');
audio.src = '';
audio.loop = false;;
</script>(text-color: "MediumPurple")["You don't get it, do you. Do you honestly believe that we wanted to chase you around all this time? You killed someone. We understood that you were greiving, so we simply asked you to destroy the spell and move on- instead of imprisoning you like we should have. Not only did you refuse, but you tried to hunt us down and kill us too. Even then, we acknowledged the fact that you were grieving, and decided to give you a second chance. Yes, we erased your memory, but that's only because we couldn't have a homicidal maniac who happens to practice magic. You would have killed again- I //saw// it."]
She looks at you the same way Rose did on that fateful night- with utter disappointment. The pain of guilt comes flooding back. You distracted yourself with rage and blaming the council, but you can no longer ignore your mistakes. Yet, the way Nefertiti phrased it- that she 'saw' you kill again- how is that possible?
"Look, I'm sorry, I truly am. I was in a bad place, to say the least. I'm trying to do better." You hear how unauthentic you sound as soon as the words come out of your mouth. Hearing a member of the council destroy any idea you once had of your past self wasn't exactly easy. To recognize that the council may not have been at fault is to say that you were the villain of your own past.
(text-color: "MediumPurple")["We'll see. I don't want to have this conversation again."] You nod your head, but are too ashamed to look her in the eyes- afraid that she'll see all of the darkness inside, and afraid that you'll see it too. It seems like you won't be leaving anytime soon, so you might as well distract yourself. After all, a bunch of random people just kidnapped you and cast a binding spell on you. Now's the time to ask your questions.
[["What do you guys do exactly?"]]
[["What are your powers?"]](text-color: "green")["Well, we all have a different magical ability and specialty. I, for one, am an elemental influencer who specializes in the history of known and unknown magic."] (if: $ability contains "elemental influence")[Perhaps you could learn a thing or two from Gerald.] (else:)[]
(text-color: "orange")["Elemental influence is okay, but telekinesis allows for //real// control."] (if: $ability contains "telekinesis")[It seems that you and Aleister have something in common after all.] (else:)[]Gerald rolls his eyes at Aleister's comment, but he seems accustomed to his narcissism.
"I'm assuming that's your power?"
(text-color: "orange")["Yes, as well as spirit communication and pacts."] You are both terrified and intrigued by that.
(text-color: "FireBrick")["You guys, this is not a job interview, but if it was, we all know my mind reading wins."] You can't help but smile as you watch Gerald and Aleaister's annoyed expressions. But you soon remember that with mind reading, comes mental influence- (if: $bag contains "amulet")[let's hope that the amulet you brought is also a protection charm.] (else:)[time to get a protection charm.] (if: $ability contains "mind reading")[Part of you is a bit terrified of Marie, but another part is almost happy that you share the same ability. At least you'll know if she is dangerous.] (else:)[It would be best to learn how to clear your mind.]
"What's your specialty then?"
(text-color: "FireBrick")["[[Dark magic]]."](text-color: "MediumPurple")["When people start practicing magic, there are many temptations to use it for personal gain. In most cases, it involves harming others- our job is to make sure that humanity doesn't destroy itself because of magic."]
(text-color: "green")["But that's only a part of it. Ancient magical knowledge has been lost over centuries, so we study the craft to fill some of the holes in the world's magical knowledge."] These replies only brought more questions: How can five people manage to do all of that?
(text-color: "FireBrick")["Ignore Gerald, he doesn't know how to have fun."]
(text-color: "orange")["Marie, would you act like a mature adult for once in your life?"] Marie looked as if she were about to punch Aleister, but Nefertiti held up her hand signaling for them to fall in line before anything could escalate.
[["Why didn't you have me arrested?"]]
[["What are your powers?"]] "I don't understand, if your job is to make sure people don't use magic dangerously, why didn't you just have me arrested?"
(text-color: "FireBrick")["Breaking News: Witches are back with a vengeance, time for round two of the witch trials...How does that sound to you?"]
"But, no one actually believes in magic. People would just think it was some psycho." Right?
(text-color: "LightBlue")["With tragedy comes desperation- people want to look for an explanation or fix for the unspeakable, even if it sounds entirely irrational. That's how many find magic in the first place, that's how //you// found it."] How did she-? Right, empath. One's an empath, another is a mind reader... (if: $ability contains "mind reading")[At least you can read their minds right back.] (else-if: $ability contains "telekinesis")[When this spell wears off, you might want to use your telekinesis to get your wand and run.] (else:)[Now would be a great time for an earthquake.]
(text-color: "green")["We stop people from using magic for destruction, but part of the reason we do that is to protect ourselves and all practitioners from exposure."] You've seen enough sci-fi movies to know how people react to things like magic, but how could we hide the spells that can do so much good?
"But magic could help heal so many people! How is it fair to keep that from the rest of the world?"
(text-color: "orange")["Life isn't fair. All we're doing is making it better for ourselves."] You start to see why Aleister gets on Marie's nerves. Gerald must have seen the scowl on your face because he quickly diverted the conversation
(text-color: "green")["What Aleister //means// to say is that practitioners have tried sharing magic with the world many times, but it always ends in lust for power and death."] You begin to understand the full extent of the danger you put people in after Rose's death.
[["What are your powers?"]]
I understand why I'm here, but will you ever [[let me go]]?(text-color: "FireBrick")["Good morning, sleepyhead. Nice trick you pulled, by the way. I would've loved to see what you'd do when you started using magic again, but old Nef over here HAD to be a buzzkill."] She is the same woman who you heard arguing with a man earlier. You recall her name- Marie.
Another woman replies, (text-color: "MediumPurple")["How man times do I need to tell you not to call me that."] You recognized her voice from earlier. She stands with perfect posture and piercing green eyes. She carries herself with confidence and power- the four others seem to follow her.
(text-color: "FireBrick")["Fine. //Nefertiti//"]
(text-color: "green")["Please, don't mind them. But I've been waiting to ask- how did you learn magic so quickly? It usually takes years."] He stands with his arms crossed. He may have looked intimidating, but the genuine tone of curiosity put you a bit at ease.
You stare at him blankly, but it seems like they're all expecting an answer. "I, uh, don't remember. Apparently some council wiped my memory."
(text-color: "orange")["Ha! Good one."] You turn towards a man dressed in an expensive looking suit, and leaning against the wall. He appears completely bored, as if he has grown accustomed to kidnapping people.
(text-color: "FireBrick")["Shut up Aleister, (if: $pn contains "they")[they're] (else:)[(print: $pn)'s] being serious."] Aleister is the same man who was arguing with Marie earlier- it seems that the two don't get along.
You begin to suspect it but you have to ask, [["Who are you?"]](text-color: "orange")["Oh just //some council//."] He has that same sarcastic smirk that Marie had plastered on her face. For how much they bicker, the two seem to have something in common- they love watching you squirm.
A familiar rage starts to boil inside you. You remember how the council tried to make you forget about Rose. (if: $bag contains "healing potion")[You suddenly regret not bringing the death potion with you.] (else:)[If only you could reach for that death potion.] The change in your expression must have been visible because another woman emerges and gently places her hand on your shoulder- trying to comfort you.
(text-color: "LightBlue")["I know you're angry. I am so sorry for your loss, Rose has such a beautiful soul."] Her voice is soft and soothing, but hearing a council member say Rose's name only makes you angrier- until you explode.
"How could you possibly know how I feel? After everything I went through, you tried to take her away from me again! You have no right to say her name." She flinches and pulls her hand away. She starts to look teary eyed, and you almost feel guilty for snapping at her.
(text-color: "FireBrick")["Vera's an empath, she can't help it."] An empath- you remember reading about them in the grimoire. They feel others' emotions with the same intensity. Perhaps she really did know how you feel, but can't matter. Now, you need to figure out how to escape.
"Let me go. You've done enough." Though she remained silent for awhile, [[Nefertiti]] steps forward and stands before you- arms crossed against her chest. You shrink back into your seat, bracing yourself for whatever comes next.Your eyes widen in disbelief as she said this, and she must have noticed it (and heard you) because she replied:
(text-color: "FireBrick")["No, it's not what you're thinking. Dark magic is simply magic that causes harm to others, and it's not necessarily bad. Sometimes you need to defend yourself, or simply choose the lesser of two evils. It's complicated, yes, but there are times when it is needed, and one of us needs to understand it."] When she says it like that, it almost makes her sound noble, but something about her practicing dark magic still makes you feel uneasy.
Vera must feel your discomfort because she says, (text-color: "LightBlue")["I am an empath, as you know, and am also a healer- just in case Marie messes up."] Vera gently laughs as she says this, and something about it puts your mind at ease.
(text-color: "MediumPurple")["I suppose I'm next. I'm a diviner, so I have a strong intuition and sometimes see flashes of the future. No, I can't control what I see, so you're not winning the lottery. And, my specialty is the practice of ancient magic."] Having the council members answer your questions before you even think to ask them is starting to make you very uncomfortable.
[["What do you guys do exactly?"]]
I understand why I'm here, but will you ever [[let me go]]?(text-color: "FireBrick")["That depends, are you going to try and kill us again?"] Marie is joking of course, but part of her truly did not know the answer to that question. Behind the council's immense collective power, they seem particularly weary of you. You reply with a "No, I would never." After all, you do want to break free of the binding spell. Yet, you must ask yourself- have you truly broken free of the the darkness that once consumed you? Would you try to kill the council members again?
(set: $maybe to "Maybe") (set: $no to "No")
(link: "$maybe")[
(replace: ?links)[\
The thought used to scare you, but your business with the council is not yet finished.(set: $evil to it + 1)]
(link: "$no")[
(replace: ?links)[\
The past is in the past. It is time to move on now.(set: $good to it + 1)]
(text-color: "MediumPurple")["Very well. Let's remove the binding spell."] Nefertiti signals for the rest of the council members to gather around you. All five join hands- forming a circle around you. They close their eyes and begin muttering words that you can't quite make out. You start to feel a warming sensation beginning with your fingertips, and traveling through your veins- sending waves of warmth throughout your body. With it, you begin to regain feeling, nerve by nerve. You close your eyes and feel your [[senses]] heightening as you absorb the council members' magic.(if: $ability contains "telekinesis")[As each nerve awakens, so does your power. Your body feels light and weightless- floating high above the clouds. You open your eyes to find the tip of your nose a mere inch away from the top of the ceiling. You turn your head to the side to see the council's hands forming a perfect circle as you float above them.] (else-if: $ability contains "elemental influence")[As each nerve awakens, so does your power. With each breath, you feel the wind blowing through your hair. It grows stronger until it lifts you off of the chair. The wind is fresh and crisp- it fills your lungs with the power of the elements.] (else:)[As each nerve awakens, so does your power. The council's unison muttering grows louder, and you begin to hear their individual voices. Each whisper of a thought overlaps with the next, you can only make out a few words. You may not know what they mean, but perhaps they will provide some insight into the council's intentions.
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Eventually, the council's muttering comes to a stop, and the circle they had created with their hands broke apart. They each begin to open their eyes, nervously waiting to see what you choose to do next.
[[Attack them]]
[[Leave peacefully]]Before the council members have the chance to gather their strength, you (if: $ability contains "telekinesis")[quickly summon your wand from your bag, and it flies straight into your hand.
Read the spellbook in your [[Items]].
["Cast the Fire Spell"]<fire|
(set: $leftf to "Use your left hand")(set: $rightf to "Use your right hand")
(link: "$leftf")[
(replace: ?linkf)[\
(set: $leftfs to it + 1)]
(link: "$rightf")[
(replace: ?linkf)[\
(set: $rightfs to it + 1)]
(link: "Result")[(if: $firesp is 1)[(if: $leftfs is 1)[A blast of fire shoots out of your wand, and the council backs away from you. Yet, Gerald quickly summons the element of water and destroys the flame you created. The council members must have taken advantage of your moment of weakness because you quickly fall to the ground- losing your ability to move and use your powers.
You start to lift off of the ground as Aleister moves you with his telekinetic powers. With each second that passes, your eyes begin to feel heavy and you drift off to [[sleep]].](else:)[You performed the spell incorrectly. The council members must have taken advantage of your moment of weakness because you quickly fall to the ground- losing your ability to move and use your powers.
You start to lift off of the ground as Aleister moves you with his telekinetic powers. With each second that passes, your eyes begin to feel heavy and you drift off to [[sleep]].]](else:)[You performed the spell incorrectly. The council members must have taken advantage of your moment of weakness because you quickly fall to the ground- losing your ability to move and use your powers.
You start to lift off of the ground as Aleister moves you with his telekinetic powers. With each second that passes, your eyes begin to feel heavy and you drift off to [[sleep]].]]](else:)[lunge toward your bag to retrieve your wand. You move quickly, but not quickly enough because by the time you turn around to face the council, Marie has you pinned to the floor.
(text-color: "FireBrick")["Nice try, (print: $playerName). So much for letting you go."] She chuckles at your failed attempt at revenge, and you begin to lose your ability to move and use your powers. You are helplessly trapped once again.
You start to lift off of the ground as Aleister moves you with his telekinetic powers. With each second that passes, your eyes begin to feel heavy and you drift off to [[sleep]].]
(set: $evil to it + 1)
(click: ?fire)[(set: $firesp to it + 1)](click: ?fire)[(set: $firesp to it + 1)](click: ?fire)[(set: $firesp to it + 1)](click: ?fire)[(set: $firesp to it + 1)]You stand up with perfect posture- preparing yourself for any possible (link-reveal: "attack.")[ Nothing comes.]
Vera must have felt your anxiety because she calmly says, (text-color: "LightBlue")["You have nothing to fear. You are free to go."] You nod your head- suprised that after all the council did to capture you, they are simply allowing you to leave. It may be too good to be true, but you do not want to wait around to find out.
You quickly retrieve your bag from the corner of the room, and leave as fast as you can.
(set: $good to it + 1)
[[Walk out the door]].=><=
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[[Next]]You walk down two long hallways until you begin to see two large wooden doors. The end is near, but you quickly turn around after hearing someone call your name.
(text-color: "orange")["(print: $playerName)! Wait!"] You turn to find Aleister quickly trying to catch up to you. Part of you wants to run out the door and never look back, but perhaps you should hear what he has to say. You start to walk towawrd him until he finally catches up to you.
(text-color: "orange")["You forgot this."] He lifts up a book and hands it to you. (if: $bag contains "Summoning Spirits")[It's Summoning Spirits, the book you brought from the cottage. You take a closer look at the author's name that reads "Aleister Cohen."
"Wait, are you the Aleister that wrote this?"
(text-color: "orange")["Guilty. Spirit communication is my specialty, you know."] He smiles proudly as he says this, but it only makes you realize how much influence the council seems to have on the world of magic.](else:)[It's The Philosophy of Magic, the book you brought from the cottage. You take a closer look at the author's name that reads "Gerald Green."
"Wait, did Gerald write this?"
(text-color: "orange")["Yes, he decided to copy me after I published 'Summoning Spirits.'"] Two books written by council members- Aleister may have viewed it as a competition, but you begin to realize how much influence the council seems to have on the world of magic.]
(text-color: "orange")["But, that's not what I came here to talk to you about. The others should I say this...withholding some information from you. They aren't as noble as they act."]
"[[And you are?]]" (text-color: "orange")["(print: $playerName), (print: $playerName) wake up! You don't have much time!"] You open your eyes- startled to see Aleister right next to you.
(text-color: "orange")["Finally! Come on, get up. We need to move now."] You can see the fear in his eyes, and you wonder why he seems so anxious. You yawn and rub your eyes after your seemingly long nap, but you remember that the council placed a binding spell on you. You regained your ability to move, but have no recollection of the council removing their spell.
You ask, "How is this possible?"
(text-color: "orange")["I lifted the spell. Now move!"] His sense of urgency increased, so you get up off the floor. Your muscles feel weak after both of the binding spells, but you muster up the strength to stand up. Before you have the chance to ask what the hell is going on, Aleister lifts you off the floor and moves you through the air.
You move through several long hallways until you reach what appears to be a library. He positions a desk chair right beneath you and drops you onto it. Your time with the council has been anything but normal, yet Aleister seems to be acting quite out of character for a council member.
"Why are you doing this?"
(text-color: "orange")["Lets just say that the others should I say this...withholding some information from you. They aren't as noble as they act."]
[[And you are?]](text-color: "orange")["I never said //that//, but I certainly don't act noble, do I."] He smirks as he says this, as if he is proud to lack the nobility that the rest of the council members appear to have.
(text-color: "orange")["Look, I know I don't need to explain the council's faults to you of all people, but there are much worse punishments you could have had. I've seen them kill for far lesser crimes."] At this point, nothing seems to suprise you, but why would they simply erase your memory after what you did if they are so accustomed to giving worse sentences?
"If they've really done all of those things, then why haven't you left?"
(text-color: "orange")["I know you (if: (history:) contains "sleep")[still] don't trust me, but the council has always controlled magic. It's much better to be with them than against them."]
"So, what, you're trying to recruit me now?(if: (history:) contains "sleep")[ They clearly won't approve.](else:)[]"
(text-color: "orange")["Definitely not. I want to help you. (if: (history:) contains "sleep")[I'll help you escape, but you won't last long out there.](else:)[You could walk out right now, but you won't last long out there.] As soon as you step out of line, they're going to bring you right back here. If you [[join me]], I can make sure that doesn't happen."]"Join you? Is this some kind of cult?" He laughs, appearing to believe that you were joking, but after all you've seen, you are being very serious.
(text-color: "orange")["Not at all. I am trying take away the council's power and, in a way, give it back to all practitioners. But, Nefertiti would certainly see my every move coming in her visions. I would need some outside help."]
"Wouldn't she see me too?"
(text-color: "orange")["It's much less likely, especially with a protection charm. That is, unless you've gone through the council members' ritual too."]
"The what?"
(text-color: "orange")["When a new council member is chosen, they must go through a certain ritual that connects them to all of the other council members. It's part of the reason why they have so much control. But, that's not important now. We don't have much time, what do you say? Are we going to be working together?"]
Something smells fishy about all of this, [[Leave on your own]].
This is your chance to take down the council. [[Work with Aleister]].You are hesitant about Aleister. He may be right, he may be wrong. Regardless, it's too soon to be trusting anyone now.
(if: (history:) contains "sleep")[You follow Aleister as he leads you out of the building. Once you escape, you leave on your own.](else:)[You turn and walk straight toward the tall wooden doors. You step outside and breathe the fresh air once more.] It's morning now, and it feels like it has been years since you felt the sun on your face. The future is yours now, and it's time to explore this new world without worrying about the council.
(set: $good to it + 1)
[[Later]]You may not completely trust him yet, but Aleister is your best chance at ridding the world of the council once and for all.
(if: (history:) contains "sleep")[You follow Aleister as he leads you down several more hallways and out of the building. Before you leave, he hands you a small piece of paper with a spell that will allow you to contact him.](else:)[He hands you a small piece of paper with a spell that will allow you to contact him. You turn and walk straight toward the tall wooden doors, and step outside.] You breathe in the fresh air once more with a smile on your face. You no longer need to fear or hate the council because soon, there will be no council to hate.
(set: $evil to it + 1)
[[Later]](if: (history:) contains "Leave on your own")[You begin to hear overlapping whispers. Each voice blends with the next and you can't seem to make out what each is saying. (if: $ability contains "mind reading")[Yet, you have heard those same whispers once before. Your mind reading abilities have grown stronger since your time with the council, but you will never forget it.]
(text-color: "MediumPurple")["We need your help."] That voice- it sounds all too familiar. You squint and see Nefertiti standing in the distance as she calls for you. Last time you spoke, she certainly did not need your help. You never heard her sound this urgent before.
(text-color: "MediumPurple")["(print: $playerName), (print: $playerName) we need your help!"]
"(print: $playerName) wake up!" You open your eyes- startled. Of course it was a dream. In what world would Nefertiti ask for your help? You proceed to get ready for the day. It's the last day of the weekend, so it's time to enjoy yourself before the week starts.
[[Go out for breakfast]].
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</script>](else:)[(text-color: "orange")["(print: $playerName), (print: $playerName) get up!"] You open your eyes, completely startled, to find Aleister standing before you.
(text-color: "orange")["You fell asleep again."] His arms are crossed with a look of disappointment and annoyance.
"Oh. Sorry." You may have expected great adventures when you first joined Aleister, but the reality has been mostly made up of plotting.
(text-color: "orange")["It's fine, I was //trying// to tell you about the plan to steal Nefertiti's amulet."] Great, he's back to the necklace. He has been trying to get it for the past year, but Nefertiti's visions have been a bit of an issue. It connects the council's power, so taking it will weaken them.
"What is it this time?"
(text-color: "orange")["I spoke to Balthazar last night and-"]
"Ah the demon friend."
(text-color: "orange")["Oh shut up, you know he hates when you call him that."] Right, apparently spirits do have feelings, and they hate when you refer to them inaccurately.
(text-color: "orange")["//Anyway//, he told me he could dampen Nefertiti's powers long enough that you could take her amulet before the council's ritual."]
"Why can't you take it? You're actually in the ritual."
(text-color: "orange")["We have the stupid meeting beforehand. Plus, Marie would get suspicious if I left. So are you gonna do it?"]
[[Yes]].]You start walking towards your favorite cafe, but you hear a familiar voice.
(text-color: "FireBrick")["Turn around, (print: $playerName)."] You quickly turn your head to find none other than Marie.
(text-color: "FireBrick")["You look like you just saw a ghost."] She smiles at you- putting your mind a bit at ease.
"I didn't think I'd be seeing you again"
(text-color: "FireBrick")["Oh don't look so excited! But I didn't come here just to sneak up on you, you need to come with me."] Not again. You slowly back away from her- preparing to fight at a moment's notice.
(text-color: "FireBrick")["Relax, you're not a hostage. We need your help."] You hear those same words from your dream. Perhaps it wasn't just a dream.
Marie must have heard your train of thought because she says, (text-color: "FireBrick")["So you got Nefertiti's message. I told her it would creep you out, but I guess she did it anyway. Come on, let's go."] She grabs your arm and pulls out her [[wand]]. The time has come to carry out Aleister's plan. You head to the council's meeting place. It's strange to be back there, but this time, you're not the one in danger. You walk through the tall wooden doors, and head straight to Nefertiti's office- just like Aleister told you to. You search through several drawers and cabinets until you find it- Nefertiti's amulet. It sparkles as the light hits each of the many facets. Your admiration of the amulet quickly stops when you hear arguing and shouting from another room.
[[Go investigate]]In a matter of seconds, you are back in those same long hallways belonging to the council. At least you are not under a binding spell this time.
(text-color: "MediumPurple")["Good, you're here. Come this way."] Nefertiti signals for you to follow her and leads you toward the library.
"What's this about?"
(text-color: "MediumPurple")["I've been having troubling visions, and you are in them."] Not this again.
"What are you talking about?" You snap at her. If she brings up the past one more time...
(text-color: "FireBrick")["Calm down, she didn't mean it like //that//. She's been seeing her creepy visions of death and destruction. Only, she also sees you in those same visions."]
(text-color: "MediumPurple")["Marie! You've just made it worse. Look, visions never appear that clearly. You could be in danger, but more likely, you may know something that could help us- even if you're not aware of it yet."] Could this day get any stranger?
She looks genuinely worried. "[[What could I do?]]"
Not my problem. "[[I'm leaving]]"(text-color: "MediumPurple")["If it's okay with you, Marie could enter your mind to see if you know something that could help. She has done the same with me to see my visions, so she knows what to look for."] It sounds like an invasion of privacy, but if you truly are in danger, you need to do everything you can to avoid it. Besides, you can still use your powers if the council goes too far.
(if: $ability contains "mind reading")[You focus your mind on Nefertiti and Marie- trying to hear any indication of danger in their minds.
(text-color: "FireBrick")["We've got protection charms, but don't worry, I won't //go too far//."] You roll your eyes at that comment- you really need to get a protection charm.
Before you can think another thought, you feel a strange sensation in your head. Marie must have already entered because her eyes are closed with an espression of complete focus on her face. You can almost sense that something is off inside your mind, but soon, a wave of [[calm]] rushes over you.](else:)[Before you can think another thought, you feel a strange sensation in your head. Marie must have already entered because her eyes are closed with an espression of complete focus on her face. You can almost sense that something is off inside your mind, but soon, a wave of [[calm]] rushes over you.]
(set: $good to it + 1)You owe the council nothing. You walk out of the library and down those same hallways. As you do, you see Aleister quickly run out of Nefertiti's office and down the hallway. You walk into the office to see what he was doing, only to find a shining amulet lying on a desk. It sparkles as the light hits each of the many facets. Your admiration of the amulet quickly stops when you hear arguing and shouting from another room.
[[Go investigate]]
(set: $evil to it + 1)That sense of peace may have lasted for a mere few minutes, or for several hours- you may never know. Yet, it was suddenly interrupted by a loud shreik from a distant room. Both you and Marie quickly open your eyes. Each of you look equally confused, at least it's not just you. Yet, it also means that the danger Nefertiti saw a vision of could be headed your way.
(text-color: "FireBrick")["It's Vera, she's in the ritual room. We need to go- now!"] You have never seen such a dramatic shift in a person. Her once lighthearted personality quickly turned dark and intense. You never understood it before, but it now makes perfect sense that she specializes in dark magic. She runs out of the room while you and Nefertiti follow her.
The [[Ritual Room]]You finally reach the ritual room to find Vera sobbing in front of a pool of blood. Marie puts her arm around Vera- trying to comfort her, but she only cries harder. You turn to look at Nefertiti and see a look of pure disbelief plastered on her face. She looks truly terrified. You slowly walk toward Vera- curious to see what horror caused such a shift in Marie and Nefertiti's personalities.
(text-color: "LightBlue")["I-I couldn't heal him. I t-tried but I-"] Her voice shakes as she says this, and she continues to sob. You start to get closer until you see a body lying on the floor. You stop dead in your tracks- the horrifying sight of a lifeless corpse brings the overwhelming pain right back. You spent months healing from the pain that Rose's death brought, yet it all comes flooding back.
"Gerald." It's him, lying there with a ritual dagger sticking out of his chest. It seems that history does repeat itself, but this time, the tragic death wasn't your doing.
Marie turn towards you and Nefertiti and says, (text-color: "FireBrick")["We need to find the bastard that [[did this]]."]
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</script>You stuff the amulet in your pocket, and run toward the source of the noise. You storm throght the doors of the council's ritual room to find Aleister, dagger in hand, standing over Gerald while he holds his hands over his face.
"What the hell are you doing?"
(text-color: "orange")["Don't you see? This is the only way to take away their power."] (if: (history:) contains "Yes")[All along, all he wanted was their power. Yet, it wasn't as noble as he made it seem. Whoever kills a council member absorbs their power, and that is all Aleister wants now.](else:)[He has a maniacal look on his face. There's no telling what he'll do next.]
[[Stop him]]You lunge at Aleister and quickly grab the knife from him, yet, that only seems to send him further into his mania.
(text-color: "orange")["I know you want your revenge. They tried to erase the love of your life. All they do is hoard magic and power- destroying anyone who disobeys them. This is how we end them once and for all."] Aleister was distracted long enough for Gerald to create a shield of fire around himself.
(text-color: "green")["Go! Get help from the others!"] Gerald pushes the shield of fire closer to Aleister.
(text-color: "orange")["No! Now's your chance to do what I know you've always wanted."]
[[Help Aleister]] kill Gerald and destroy the council.
Aleister has gone crazy. [[Warn the others]].(if: $ability contains "elemental influence")[Gerald isn't the only one who can influence the elements. You clear your mind and summon the element of water to destroy the flames that Gerald created. In a few moments, Gerald is defenseless, and it's time to finish what you started.](else:)[You jump behind Gerald and quickly perform a binding spell. In a few moments, the fire subsides, and you are faced with a choice.]
(if: $evil > 2)[ [[Kill Gerald]] and absorb his power.](else:)[~~Kill Gerald~~]
[[Give the dagger to Aleister]]. At least you won't be doing the dirty work.
(set: $evil to it + 1)You run back toward the library to warn Marie and Nefertiti about Aleister. When you finally reach the library, you quickly tell the two to follow you back to where you saw Aleister and Gerald, but you hear a horrified scream.
(text-color: "FireBrick")["It's Vera, she's in the ritual room. We need to go- now!"] You suddenly fear that you were too late. She runs out of the room while you and Nefertiti follow her.
You finally reach the ritual room to find Vera sobbing in front of a pool of blood. Marie puts her arm around Vera- trying to comfort her, but she only cries harder. You turn to look at Nefertiti and see a look of pure disbelief plastered on her face. She looks truly terrified. You slowly walk toward Vera- terrified to see what you feared would happen.
(text-color: "LightBlue")["I-I couldn't heal him. I t-tried but I-"] Her voice shakes as she says this, and she continues to sob. You start to get closer until you see a body lying on the floor. You stop dead in your tracks- the horrifying sight of a lifeless corpse brings the overwhelming pain right back. You spent months healing from the pain that Rose's death brought, yet it all comes flooding back.
"Gerald." It's him, lying there with a ritual dagger sticking out of his chest. It seems that history does repeat itself, but this time, the tragic death wasn't your doing.
Marie turn towards you and Nefertiti and says, (text-color: "FireBrick")["We need to find the bastard that [[did this]]."]
(set: $good to it + 1)
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</script>(if: (history:) contains "Stop him")["Aleister. He did this."
(text-color: "LightBlue")["It was him. I-I can feel it. Aleister absorbed his power."]
(text-color: "FireBrick")["Aleister! When I find you, I'm gonna rip out your intestines and feed-"]
(text-color: "MediumPurple")["Marie! Be quiet! He's still here."]
(text-color: "FireBrick")["Perfect. I'll-"]
(text-color: "MediumPurple")["You'll stay here with Vera. I need you both to perform the awakening ritual. If we can awaken Gerald's spirit inside Aleister, this will go much smoother."] You start to walk toward Marie and Vera to help them gather the supplies for the ritual.
(text-color: "MediumPurple")["(print: $playerName), come with me."]
You're about to walk out the door and begin your search, but Nefertiti pulls you back inside.
(if: $bag contains "amulet")[(text-color: "MediumPurple")["Wait! Take that amulet out of your bag. You'll need a protection charm."] You retrieve the amulet that you had taken from the cottage- almost forgetting that you even had it. At the same time, Nefertiti pulls out her wand and mutters a spell over the amulet- turning it into a protection charm.
(text-color: "MediumPurple")["There, it won't completely guard against the effects of harmful magic, but it will at least dampen it.]](else:)[(text-color: "MediumPurple")["Wait! Take that dagger out of your bag. I'll charm it so that it hits the target of your choosing."] You retrieve the dagger that you had taken from the cottage- almost forgetting that you even had it. At the same time, Nefertiti pulls out her wand and mutters a spell over the dagger- turning it into a magical weapon.]
[[Look for Aleister]].](else:)[(text-color: "LightBlue")["I-I don't know. Whoever did it absorbed Gerald's power and spirit. I can still feel him."]
(text-color: "FireBrick")["Oh when I get my hands on that killer I'll-"]
(text-color: "MediumPurple")["Marie! Get it together! Whoever did this is still here. We need to hurry!"] Marie walks over to Nefertiti- eager to get her revenge.
(text-color: "MediumPurple")["(print: $playerName), take Vera and go find Aleister. We need him to contact Gerald."]
You're about to walk out the door and begin your search, but Nefertiti pulls you back inside.
(if: $bag contains "amulet")[(text-color: "MediumPurple")["Wait! Take that amulet out of your bag. You'll need a protection charm."] You retrieve the amulet that you had taken from the cottage- almost forgetting that you even had it. At the same time, Nefertiti pulls out her wand and mutters a spell over the amulet- turning it into a protection charm.
(text-color: "MediumPurple")["There, it won't completely guard against the effects of harmful magic, but it will at least dampen it.]](else:)[(text-color: "MediumPurple")["Wait! Take that dagger out of your bag. I'll charm it so that it hits the target of your choosing."] You retrieve the dagger that you had taken from the cottage- almost forgetting that you even had it. At the same time, Nefertiti pulls out her wand and mutters a spell over the dagger- turning it into a magical weapon.]
[[Find Aleister]].]You lift up the ritual dagger and plunge it into Gerald's chest. You watch as the life drains from his eyes and fills your blood with his power. You feel as if the air is filled with life, and you alone are breathing it in. History has repeated itself. Yet this time, you savor every moment of it. This time, you don't feel the pang of guilt- only the [[power]] coursing through your veins.
(set: $evil to it + 2)
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audio.src = '';
audio.loop = false;;
<style type="text/css">* {cursor: url(, auto !important;}</style><a href="" target="_blank" title="Bloody Knife"><img src="" border="0" alt="Bloody Knife" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;" /></a>You toss the dagger to Aleister to let him finish what he set out to do. You watch as he lifts up the ritual dagger and plunge it into Gerald's chest. The life drains from his eyes and fills Aleister's blood with his power. History has repeated itself, and you can't help but look away. The ritual dagger, the fresh blood, the stench of death- they are all too familiar. The horrifying sight of a lifeless corpse brings the overwhelming pain right back. You spent months healing from the pain that Rose's death brought, yet it all comes flooding back.
(set: $evil to it + 1)
Aleister turns to you- eyes filled with bloodlust- and you begin to realize that you may be his next target.
(if: $evil > 1)[ [[Attack him]].](else:)[~~Attack him~~]
[[Run]](if: $bag contains "dagger")[Magical dagger in hand,](else:)[Protection charm in hand,] you slowly step out of the room- hoping that Nefertit has a vision that will guide you both. Yet, nothing comes.
(if: $ability contans "mind reading")[You listen for Aleister's thoughts, yet, all you hear is Nefertiti's worried thoughts, (text-color: "MediumPurple")[//"I should've seen this coming...Why didn't I see this coming?"//]] In Nefertiti's state of grief, you must decide where to start looking for Aleister.
[[The Armory]]
[[The Library]]You follow Vera out the door and slowly step into the hallway. Vera pulls out her wand and begins muttering a spell. She continually says Aleister's name, so she seems to be magically searching for him. After a few minutes, she abruptly stops.
(text-color: "LightBlue")["Something's wrong...I can sense Aleister, but Gerald...he's in danger."]
"How is that-"
(text-color: "LightBlue")["No-no-no! We have to hurry!"] Before you can ask any more questions, Vera grabs your arm and starts running down the hall. She leads you down several hallways and staircases that seem to continue forever until you reach the council's library. Before you walk through the doors, Vera takes an invisibility potion out of her bag and gives some to you. It starts to take effect, and you can no longer see Vera- only feel her calming presence and her hand clutching your arm.
[[Go into the library]]You turn to Aleister and see his shocked expression, but it quickly turns to anger.
(text-color: "orange")["You...How could you?!"] He begins pacing and grumbling while he ponders his next move. Though, his little temper tantrum only makes you smile. Your clear amusment only makes him angrier, and he tries to lunge at you.
With Gerald's advanced elemental influence, you summon the force of the wind and throw him to the floor.
[[Kill Aleister]]
(if: $good > 10)[
[[Place a binding Spell on him]]](else:)[~~Place a binding spell on him~~]You remove the dagger from Gerald's corpse and slowly walk over to Aleister. You stand over his shaking body and no longer see Aleister, but the man who carelessly killed Rose- the final drop of fuel to feed your monstrous rage. That rage quickly turns into a fire that shoots straight out of your hands. Yet, this fire does not slowly burn Aleister's flesh, it swalows him whole in a mere matter of seconds. Aleister's power surges through your body and fills you with advanced telekinetic power. With each council member that you kill, you are filled with such an intoxicating shock of can hardly control it.
(set: $evil to it + 1)
(if: $good > 10)[
[[Look for the other Council members]]](else:)[~~Look for remaining Council members~~]
Double-click this passage to edit it.[[Spare them]]
(if: $evil > 4)[ [[Kill them]].]Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Aleister's power has only grown, but you still have a chance at survival if you successfully cast the fire spell.
["Ignis Impes"]<fire|
(set: $leftf to "Use your left hand")(set: $rightf to "Use your right hand")
(link: "$leftf")[
(replace: ?linkf)[\
(set: $leftfs to it + 1)]
(link: "$rightf")[
(replace: ?linkf)[\
(set: $rightfs to it + 1)]
(link: "Result")[(if: $firesp is 1)[(if: $leftfs is 1)[A giant flame shoots out of your wand sets Aleister's body on fire. He tries to push you back with his telekinetic power, but he weakens as the fire continues to eat away at him. Finally, both Aleister and his insanity are reduced to just a pile of ash. You instantly feel a surge of power as you absorb the collective power and spirit of Aleister and Gerald. The feeling is so overwhelming that you fall to the ground.
Vera, Marie and Nefertiti must have heard the struggle between you two because they come running though the door, join hands around you, and begin muttering a spell. As they do so, the spirits of Gerald and Aleister slowly fade from your mind- as if Nefertiti and Marie are pulling them out of you.
They soon complete the spell, and you sigh with relief that you feel like yourself once again. Though you saved the remaining council members from Aleister's wrath, you allowed Aleister to kill Gerald without any sort of fight.
(text-color: "LightBlue")["It's not your fault, you know. Gerald was strong, but he would have never harmed Aleister- even in the face of death."] You nod your head, but you cannot escape the feeling of guilt- not unlike the one you had when Rose died. Will you be trapped in this continuous loop of death and guilt? Only time will tell.](else:)[You performed the spell incorrectly. Aleister uses Gerald's elemental influence to send fire straight at you, and you quickly turn to ash.]](else:)[You performed the spell incorrectly. Aleister uses Gerald's elemental influence to send fire straight at you, and you quickly turn to ash.]]
(click: ?fire)[(set: $firesp to it + 1)](click: ?fire)[(set: $firesp to it + 1)](click: ?fire)[(set: $firesp to it + 1)](click: ?fire)[(set: $firesp to it + 1)]You quickly run out of the room, down a staircase, and find yourself on the bottom floor. In the distance, you hear Nefertiti, Vera and Marie talking and laughing. Aleister may not have found you yet, but it's only a matter of time. What will you do?
[[Warn them]]
[[Save yourself]]You lead Nefertiti down the council's long halways until you reach your destination. You open the armory's heavy doors to find walls lined with various weapons and magical artifacts, yet there seems to be no sign of Aleister. You suddenly hear a scream coming from the ritual room once again, and you fear that you are too late.
[[Go back to the ritual room.]](if: (history:) contains "sleep")[You recall the time that Aleister helped you escape one year ago. He took you to the library- a place he thought was hidden.] It's a long shot, but you just might be right. You lead Nefertiti to the library- walking down the numerous halls until you reach your destination. The once beautifully arranged library is now a complete mess. Broken shelves are lying on the floor with hundreds of books and torn pages. Aleister must have been here, or still is.
(text-color: "MediumPurple")["I know exactly where he is."] Nefertiti's expression changed from mournful to filled with rage, and she marches toward a large pile of books in the back of the room. As you get closer, you begin to see the slightest movement of books and pages. Nefertiti must have noticed it too because she quietly whispers the spell, (text-color: "MediumPurple")["Revelum"].
Suddenly, Aleister appears hovered over an ornately decorated scroll. Before you and Nefertiti have the chance to attack, he uses Gerald's elemental power to send a massive flame in your direction. Your only hope of survival is to correctly cast a shield spell.
(set: $lefts to "Use your left hand")(set: $rights to "Use your right hand")
(link: "$lefts")[
(replace: ?links)[\
(set: $leftsh to it + 1)]
(link: "$rights")[
(replace: ?links)[\
(set: $rightsh to it + 1)]
(link: "Result")[(if: $shieldsp is 3)[(if: $rightsh is 1)[A bright shield of light starts to form around you- protecting you from Aleister's attack of fire. You push the shield farther away from you, pushing the fire closer to Aleister. Meanwhile, Nefertiti places a binding spell on Aleister- destroying the fire and silencing his power. He falls to the ground, and Nefertiti walks over to him, and pulls him up by the collar.
(text-color: "MediumPurple")["Gerald's power wasn't enough for you, was it? You //had// to have the power of the spirit realm?"] You watch as Aleister struggles to break free, but even his voice is bound by Nefertit's spell. She looks at him in disgust, and drops him to the floor. She turns to you and says, (text-color: "MediumPurple")["Send a message to Vera and Marie."] You nod your head and begin the spell to [[contact them]].] (else:)[You performed the spell incorrectly. Aleister's fire quickly consumes both you and Nefertiti. It seems that he did succeed in his plan to overtake the council.]](else:)[You performed the spell incorrectly. Aleister's fire quickly consumes both you and Nefertiti. It seems that he did succeed in his plan to overtake the council.]]
(click: ?shield)[(set: $shieldsp to it + 1)](click: ?shield)[(set: $shieldsp to it + 1)](click: ?shield)[(set: $shieldsp to it + 1)](click: ?shield)[(set: $shieldsp to it + 1)]Nefertiti pulls out her wand and grabs your hand- sending you straight back to the ritual room. Once you arrive, you find Marie lying on the floor with most of her skin burned by Aleister's new elemental power. Vera is struggling on the floor near Vera- appearing to be under yet another binding spell.
(if: $bag contains "healing potion")[You quickly run over to Marie and pour your healing potion into her mouth while Nefertiti battles Aleister.](else:)[You quickly pull the death potion out of your bag and pour it over Aleister's skin while Nefertiti performs a healing ritual on Marie. You watch as the dark green liquid begins bubbling and running down his face- dissolving his skin and flesh. It began slowly, but it soon starts to speed up until Aleister's body almost disappears into a pile of ash. You finally see just what that death potion from the cottage can do.
You instantly feel a surge of power as you absorb the collective power and spirit of Aleister and Gerald. The feeling is so overwhelming that you fall to the ground. Vera and Nefertiti rush over to you, join hands around you, and begin muttering a spell. As they do so, the spirits of Gerald and Aleister slowly fade from your mind- as if Nefertiti and Marie are pulling them out of you. They finally finish, but Marie is still lying on the floor.
"Is s-she okay?" You may not have known her well, but you cannot stand another death in the same day. Yet, you see the tears in their eyes as they both shake their head. You are taken back to that same nightwhen Rose died, and you remember how hard you tried to bring her back. Yet with the pain, comes the memory of the ritual you performed- how you needed the ability to resist the destructive violence of thr past in order to complete the you needed a sacrifice. With Aleister's recent remains lying right next to you, you wonder if such a necromancy ritual could be possible.
(if: (history:) contains "Warn them")[~~Perform the ritual~~
Yet, you would not be able to find out. You do not yet have the strength and courage to overcome the pull toward violence and power that comes with the necromancy ritual. Enough death has happened today, you cannot risk adding to it. It has certainly been a night of terror, and it is best for you to stop before you repeat what you did after Rose's death.](else:)[ [[Perform the ritual]].]You begin the spell and send a message to Vera and Marie- urgently telling them to meet you in the library. Only moments later, the two appear right next to you. Without a second to think, Marie runs over to Aleister and pulls out her wand.
(text-color: "LightBlue")["Wait! We need to release Gerald first."]
(text-color: "FireBrick")["Ther'll be time for that later."]
(text-color: "LightBlue")["No! You'll absorb his spirit. We need to remove his connection."] Vera jumps in front of Marie and pushes her arm down. Marie rolls her eyes- clearly eager to punish Aleister for his crimes.
(text-color: "FireBrick")["Make it quick."] Vera runs an grabs a grimoire off of one of the shelves that remained standing. Meanwhile, (if: (history:) contains "Go investigate")[Nefertiti walks over to you.
(text-color: "MediumPurple")["I need the amulet."] You almost forgot that you had the amulet from Nefertiti's office the entire time. Embarrassed, you quickly pull the amulet out of your pocket and hand it to her.](else:)[Nefertiti walks over to Aleister and yanks an amulet off of his neck.]
Marie, Nevertiti and Vera join hands around Aliester and begin muttering a ritual. At one point, Nefertiti removes a piece of the amulet and crushes it- breaking [[the bond]] that connected Aleister to the rest of the council members. You quietly walk into the library to find books scattered all over the floor. In the corner of the room, you see Aleister carefully examining an old grimoire. Yet, Vera does not run over to protect him from whoever killed Gerald.
A huge gust of wind sends several books flying off their shelves and almost knocks you over, yet, (if: $ability contains "elemental influence")[it wasn't you who caused this elemental disturbance.](else:)[only Gerald was able to influence the elements.] Suddenly, you start to understand what had Vera so disturbed. Aleister wouldn't need to contact Gerald in the spirit realm because Aleister absorbed the remains of Gerald's spirit and power. Aleister was the one who killed Gerald- the first step in taking down the council. Clearly, Aleister's plans were not as noble as he once made them seem.
Before Aleister causes any more harm, Vera begins casting a binding spell on him; as she does, the invisibility potion slowly starts to wear off. Aleister must have noticed because he quickly turns to you both and sends a huge flame in your direction. Your only hope of survivle is to correctly cast a binding spell.
(set: $lefts to "Use your left hand")(set: $rights to "Use your right hand")
(link: "$lefts")[
(replace: ?links)[\
(set: $leftsh to it + 1)]
(link: "$rights")[
(replace: ?links)[\
(set: $rightsh to it + 1)]
(link: "Result")[(if: $shieldsp is 3)[(if: $rightsh is 1)[A bright shield of light starts to form around you- protecting you from Aleister's attack of fire. You push the shield farther away from you, pushing the fire closer to Aleister. Meanwhile, Vera completes the binding spell- destroying the fire and silencing his power. He falls to the ground, and Vera walks over to him.
(text-color: "LightBlue")["How could you?! He loved you and you- you killed him! You're going to pay for this!"] Vera screams at him, and the air fills with a tangible rage- something you never thought could come from a person as gentle as Vera. You watch as Aleister struggles to break free, but even his voice is bound by Vera's spell. She looks at him in pure disgust, and picks up the grimoire that he was so carefully examining. She turns to you and says, (text-color: "LightBlue")["Go, bring Marie and Nefertiti. I'll handle him."] You nod your head and run back to [[the ritual room.]] Something about the rage of a normally calm person is especially terrifying.] (else:)[You performed the spell incorrectly. Aleister's fire quickly consumes both you and Vera. It seems that he did succeed in his plan to overtake the council.]](else:)[You performed the spell incorrectly. Aleister's fire quickly consumes both you and Vera. It seems that he did succeed in his plan to overtake the council.]]
(click: ?shield)[(set: $shieldsp to it + 1)](click: ?shield)[(set: $shieldsp to it + 1)](click: ?shield)[(set: $shieldsp to it + 1)](click: ?shield)[(set: $shieldsp to it + 1)]You quickly run to the ritual room to retrieve Nefertiti and Marie. Nefertiti must have recieved a vision because there was no need for you to explain the situation. The three of you join hands and suddenly appear back in the library. Without a second to think, Marie runs over to Aleister and pulls out her wand.
(text-color: "LightBlue")["Wait! We need to release Gerald first."]
(text-color: "FireBrick")["Ther'll be time for that later."]
(text-color: "LightBlue")["No! You'll absorb his spirit. We need to remove his connection."] Vera jumps in front of Marie and pushes her arm down. Marie rolls her eyes- clearly eager to punish Aleister for his crimes.
(text-color: "FireBrick")["Make it quick."] Vera runs an grabs a grimoire off of one of the shelves that remained standing. Meanwhile, (if: (history:) contains "Go investigate")[Nefertiti walks over to you.
(text-color: "MediumPurple")["I need the amulet."] You almost forgot that you had the amulet from Nefertiti's office the entire time. Embarrassed, you quickly pull the amulet out of your pocket and hand it to her.](else:)[Nefertiti walks over to Aleister and yanks an amulet off of his neck.]
Marie, Nevertiti and Vera join hands around Aliester and begin muttering a ritual. At one point, Nefertiti removes a piece of the amulet and crushes it- breaking [[the bond]] that connected Aleister to the rest of the council members. They finish the ritual- breaking the circle they made around Aleister. Vera and Nefertiti step back as Marie grabs Aleister's arm and disappears from the library. Only moments later, you hear more screams coming from the ritual room- this time, you can be sure that no one but Aleister is in danger.
(text-color: "MediumPurple")["She always did have a flair for the dramatic."] Both Vera and Nefertiti laugh; they seem to be quite unphased by the fact that Marie is torturing a man right above them, but perhaps it is easier to laugh than wallow in the pain of Gerald's death.
(text-color: "MediumPurple")["So, (if: $ability contains "telekinesis")[it seems that we need another telekinetic.](else-if: $ability contains "elemental influence")[we could never replace Gerald, but you proved your strength in saving us from the fire today. We do need another telekinetic...](else:)[we could always use another mind reader.] What do you say?] You never thought that you'd go from hating the council, to saving them, to being offered to join them, but here you are. What will you do?
(set: $yes to "Accept")(set: $no to "Decline")
(link: "$yes")[
(replace: ?links)[\
(set: $yess to it + 1)]
(link: "$no")[
(replace: ?links)[\
(set: $nos to it + 1)]
(link: "Next")[(if: $yess is 1)["How could I say no to all of this?" Vera and Nefertit laugh once more. You have come a long way from the power driven resentment that you once had toward the council, but you are finally at peace knowing that you have worked to right your wrongs. You smile knowing that while Rose was once unable to recognize the person you were, you are living a life that makes you both proud.] (else:)["I'm not sure I could handle //all this//." Vera and Nefertit laugh once more. You have come a long way from the power driven resentment that you once had toward the council, but this life of danger is far from the life you want to live. You are finally at peace knowing that you have worked to right your wrongs, and find a balance between a "normal" life and magic. You smile knowing that while Rose was once unable to recognize the person you were, you are living a life that makes you both proud.]]You run over to Marie and collect various supplies from around the room. Finally, move Aleister's ashes right next to Marie, and begin the ritual. You may have been skeptical, but you begin to see flashes of the spirit realm. You anxiously search for Marie until none other than Rose appears right before you.
(text-color: "PaleVioletRed")["I'm so proud of you..."] She disappears as quickly as she came. You desperately call for her, but there is no answer. Instead, you find Marie shivering on the ground. You grab her hand and quickly go back to the physical realm.
Marie's burns begin to heal, and she finally opens her eyes. She smiles at you and says, (text-color: "FireBrick")["Looks like we're both dark magic specialists."] You laugh and hug her- both shocked and thankful that the ritual worked. Tears begin to fall down your cheek as you remember the final words that Rose just said to you, but you are finally at peace knowing that you made things right. You are living a life that makes both you and Rose proud, and that only makes you smile through the tears.You run into the office where the rest of the council members are and quickly explain what has happened.
(text-color: "FireBrick")["Aleister! When I find you, I'm gonna rip out your intestines and feed-"]
(text-color: "MediumPurple")["Marie! Be quiet! He's still here."]
(text-color: "FireBrick")["Perfect. I'll-"]
(text-color: "MediumPurple")["You'll stay here with Vera. I need you both to perform the awakening ritual. If we can awaken Gerald's spirit inside Aleister, this will go much smoother."] You start to walk toward Marie and Vera to help them gather the supplies for the ritual.
(text-color: "MediumPurple")["(print: $playerName), come with me."]
You're about to walk out the door and begin your search, but Nefertiti pulls you back inside.
(if: $bag contains "amulet")[(text-color: "MediumPurple")["Wait! Take that amulet out of your bag. You'll need a protection charm."] You retrieve the amulet that you had taken from the cottage- almost forgetting that you even had it. At the same time, Nefertiti pulls out her wand and mutters a spell over the amulet- turning it into a protection charm.
(text-color: "MediumPurple")["There, it won't completely guard against the effects of harmful magic, but it will at least dampen it.]](else:)[(text-color: "MediumPurple")["Wait! Take that dagger out of your bag. I'll charm it so that it hits the target of your choosing."] You retrieve the dagger that you had taken from the cottage- almost forgetting that you even had it. At the same time, Nefertiti pulls out her wand and mutters a spell over the dagger- turning it into a magical weapon.]
[[Look for Aleister]].You won't risk Aleister killing you too. You run out of the building as quickly as you can until the council's headquarters are nowhere to be found. Part of you feels guilty for leaving Marie, Vera and Nefertiti defenseless against Aleister, but you needed to [put the council to rest once and for all...]<end| (click: ?end)[(goto-url: "")]