Magical Abilities

Many practitioners naturally have an aptitude for specific magical abilities. However, these skills must be developed over time. Most practitioners are able to develop one magical ability, and sometimes two, but there are few who are able to develop several. Practitioners must hone their abilities if they wish to access the full extent of their power. These abilities are a natural part of practitioners, and may be used outside of a spell or ritual.


All practitioners may practice divination by using tarot cards or a crystal ball, but few are able to do so with clarity. Divining often comes as cryptic images that are difficult to interpret, but those with divination abilities may interpret these images with ease. Additionally, those with divination abilities are able to recieve visions of the future, and their increased wisdom allows them to use their visions to aid in their magical workings.


Practitioners with Telekinetic abilities are able to move objects on the physical plane without the use of spells. As a beginner telekinetic, practitioners tend to be limited to moving smaller objects at a slower pace. With practice, a telekinetic may move extremely large and heavy objects with ease and quickness. As a result, advanced telekinetics possess great skill in offensive magic.

Mind Reading

The mind reader has the ability to almost 'listen in' on another person's thoughts. While most practitioners use a protection charm to block mind readers, practitioners with this ability often easily read the minds of defenseless individuals. Beginner mind readers often describe hearing thoughts as a fuzzy static that is difficult to understand. With practice, an experienced mind reader may hear thoughts clearly, and even break through protection charms.

Mental Influence

Those with mind reading abilities are often able to mentally influence those around them. Contrary to popular belief, this is not mind control- that is one of the things that even magic cannot do. However, the skilled mental influencers are able to successfully reach into the minds of others and alter another's thouughts. In doing so, the mental influencers may lead another to believe that an idea or action came from their own mind, when it actually came from a mental influencer. Practitioners with this ability can be especially dangerous.

Elemental Influence

The elements themselves almost have a mind of their own, thus they cannot be completely controlled. However, elemental influencers often have strong connections to the earth, and are able to manipulate the elements in wondrous ways. They are able to start a fire without using a spell, and immediately bring a rainstorm to put it out. Yet, there are times when these practitioners fail to influence the elements to behave in a certain way, so they must be skilled in spellwork as well.


The abilities of an empath reach far beyond simply feeling empathy for others. Empaths quite literally feel the emotions of any person of their choosing; while mind readers can hear others' thoughts, empaths are able to see the bigger picture behind a person. However, an empath's abilities are not limited to humans- they can connect to virtually any other living being. Empaths are also able to connect with the spirits of the deceased much more easily than other practitioners. In addition, most empaths are also healers- allowing them to heal many physical injuries without using a spell or ritual.

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