Spells and Rituals

Within the contents of this book lie the most commonly used spells and rituals. While similar in use, spells and rituals are quite different in practice. A practicioner may use a spell to perform magic quickly, most may be completed in a matter of seconds. However, spells have far less capabilities. If a practicioner wishes to perform a complex working, they must use a ritual.

Shield Spell

The knights had their shields, but the practitioners have our shield spell. This spell blocks any oncoming offensive spell or use of magical ability. However, the caster must be aware of their surroundings, if they do not perform the shield spell in time, they will still experience their opponent's attack.

To cast this spell, practitioners must envision a shield of blue light surrounding them while saying, "Praecleus" three times holding a wand their right hand. With practice, it will be no longer necessary to recite the word, but it is helpful for beginners.

Fire Spell

For those who do not possess the ability to control the element of fire, this spell is quite useful when offensive magic is needed. This spell can be quite difficult to control when cast without a wand, so a wand is generally necessary.

To cast the spell, practitioners must hold their wand with their left hand and recite the words, "Ignis Impes" only once while envisioning exactly where they would like the fire to appear.

Binding Spell

The binding spell originated with the voodoo doll. Practitioners would literally bind a representative doll with a rope to bind them either mentally or physically. Now, this spell may be cast by simply using visualization, and saying "Obstuligio." This spell may cause physical paralysis, mental binding or both- depending on the caster's intention. If a practitioner casts this spell on another powerful practitioner, the spell's effects can last as little as a few minutes. Thus, it is best for short term workings.

Healing Spell

The healing spell may heal minor injuries and ailments, but a healing ritual is required to heal severe injuries. Fortunately, healing spells may still partially heal severe injuries. To perform this spell, practitioners need only to hold their wand with their right hand and say the words, "Sana Medor" four times. While doing so, practitioners must envision the body being purged of its ailment. The spell may sometimes be painful, so it is best used with a pain relieving salve.

Healing Ritual

This ritual requires water from a desert oasis to be poured over the injury while reciting, "Sana Consana, Sana Medor" exactly seven times. The water must also be poured in a circular motion. When done properly, this ritual may heal any injury within minutes, but if done incorrectly, the injury may become worse. At times, the practitioner may also become injured- precision is of the utmost importance for this ritual.

Transmutation Ritual

This ritual allows a practitoner, or group of practitioners, to physically change their appearance into that of another creature or person. The ritual's effects last as long as the practitioners wish, but require an immense amount of magical energy to perform. While this ritual is easier done in a group, a solitary practitioner may draw from the power of magical artifacts to gain power. Practitioners must obtain an object of significance to the being they wish to transform into. Next they must pour five drops of their own blood over the object while saying, "Mutatio" five times.

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